Jul 26, 2022
What an amazing opportunity we had to get a chance to interview the fabulous Dr. Stephanie Wigner!! It was such a blessing to get to interview another brilliant chiropractor!! Herself and her husband Dr. Kyle are both fabulous chiropractors in New Jersey but caveat, they do not practice together! Hmmm…. There is a...
Jul 19, 2022
We have all head it! We have all been there!! You know, Doc it hurts here? Could you just check this? What about here? Oh yeah, my ribs are “out” again! Or…or…You are a crappy chiropractor if all you do is treat pain and symptoms! But don’t they all come in initially with pain or symptoms that they want help...
Jul 12, 2022
Imagine another form of crucial communication involving chiropractic. This skillset will completely change the way you view the world and start to understand the subtleties to communication without a word being spoken! Get ready to take the wheel and steer the way you communicate to your friends, families’ and the...
Jul 5, 2022
Let’s go! This a 2 part series with the amazing Brian Galke!! You are absolutely going to be blown away by understanding the art of reading your patients and practice members facial features!! This will make them know that they are safe, being heard, being seen, trust in you and your practice!! Let’s Go!!