Oct 29, 2019
Check often, Adjust when need, and Do different! Dr. Kristina takes use through her care planning communication with the parents of these amazing children. It’s up to use to show to function and malfunction for these little masterpieces. Their parents deserve the truth and chiropractic reasoning why their littles need...
Oct 22, 2019
It takes precision, frequency, and repetition to change and functionally restore neurology and reverse the neurological habits the body has formed from long standing miscommunication between the body and the brain. Dr. Skip goes through the care patterns and techniques that he uses to help restore the bodies ability...
Oct 15, 2019
Dr. Kristina Stitcher takes the plunge and goes head first into the science behind autism and how chiropractic changes the lives of every child with Autism. She breakdowns down the supporting research that shows a direct correlation to subluxation patterns and how Autism is affected. We know as chiropractors that we...
Oct 8, 2019
Autism is now 1:33 children and increasing at an astounding rate! When do we put our foot down as a profession and say that it is just not okay anymore and create the change that is needed to start changing these children’s lives! We live in a critical time in our human races history where a line must be drawn in the...
Oct 1, 2019
We have the ability to change society and health care as a whole if we just embrace the ability of the body to actually heal itself. The ability to express life to its fullest is inside every one of us if we just know where to find the interference and eliminate it! Dr. Skip Wyss sheds light on this very phenomenon and...