Jul 27, 2021
This is a very pivotal book for Dr. Kristina. She breaks down the first half of her life in chiropractic. As she reflects back, she talks about the impact her practice has had on her community, her team, and herself. At what point do you say to yourself, “am I serving for the highest purpose? Are they truly getting...
Jul 20, 2021
What does a Billionaire real estate / venture capitalist have to do with pediatric chiropractic and family practice? How in the world are the principles of massive wealth generation and preservation have anything to do with patient success? We actual breakdown the simple phrase "live our legacy today", to...
Jul 13, 2021
We have all those thought flashes that our subconscious puts in our brain, but do we truly act upon it. How quickly can you act upon those thoughts and make them successful! Now let’s take this into the chiropractic platform and paradigm, how quickly does your mind process to actually be able to help someone! Can you...
Jul 6, 2021
What if you chose to talk more? What if your thoughts actually made a difference? I met an infant that made me start asking these questions about what if I could lead more, talk more, teach more? If you had the opportunity to make a massive difference in the life of the individual or the newborn child would be ready and...