Aug 25, 2020
It’s time to build to your community and create the long-standing relationships that creates the strength to build your office. It is time to get out of your circle and the bubble of your practice to start aligning yourself with people that are like you. Often your ideal patient is a reflection of you! Either they are...
Aug 18, 2020
What is the one thing that sets our office’s apart from most other chiropractors in our city and state? It’s our relationships with our community and their families. We have gotten to know who our families are! This is how we have created this community and established the foundation that is rock solid and still is...
Aug 11, 2020
When we take our time to honor our community and talk about their stories, we honor them and their lives. Why have we stopped? Why are we afraid to share the amazing abilities of body? To have the amazing ability to heal and repair which we honor that though the adjustment. Your communities’ will come into your office...
Aug 5, 2020
The body does not want to get old and die! It wants to Survive and Thrive! We were never meant to just burn out like the last wisp of smoke from smoldering candle. Dr. Skip takes us on life’s journey through his eyes and pays tribute to one of the largest advocates for chiropractic that he has ever met! If this...