Feb 22, 2022
It has been a long time coming with Dr. Skip getting a chance to sit down with his very close friend and brother in chiropractic!! This interview is absolutely awesome and will change the way you view family practice in a time of an unhealthy world! LETS GO!!
Feb 8, 2022
Do you ever have that feeling that you are getting sloppy? Have you acknowledged it? Are you ready to make the impact that you are meant to? You are the direct result of the five people you hang around with the most! Now it’s time to realize that our forefathers have dealt with the same mental, physical, and public...
Feb 1, 2022
Dr. Skip gets to sit down with Dr. Jake Hansen of Restoration Chiropractic and The Chiropractors’ Edge to talk about the 5 easy steps that any family practice chiropractor can to do to jump start their morning and life. Dr. Jake breakdown time management and how to start your tomorrow the night before! This is an...