Nov 30, 2021
We love to talk about holding patients accountable to their care plans, but are they holding you accountable to holding them accountable to the agreements that they have made with themselves in getting better and healthier? That’s a question that you probably have never asked oneself or even considered. Are...
Nov 22, 2021
We have all thought it, but have we truly ever acted upon it? I need an upgrade. Every wish you were a computer and could just upgrade your RAM or your user interface? Do you ever feel you are a little outdated? Or maybe you are just missing a few key features that would take you from ordinary to extraordinary!! Well...
Nov 16, 2021
They love your care, refer all the time, and love you, but do they have other things about your office that may need some improvement? Are you truly in tune with what your ideal practice members / patients are saying about you? What do they really have to say about the bottle necks? It’s time to survey them and...
Nov 9, 2021
When you care you give the best of you? But when you carry you patients burdens for them, you have now chosen to shoulder your patient loads and baggage. This does not help your patient out or remove their own burdens but adds more to you. How do you get through the day and take care of all of your patients not...
Nov 2, 2021
No, I am not talking about a physical break or holiday, that was covered in episode 141! You must allow yourself some grace when patient care is not proceeding as fast as what you would like. Your patients journey to heeling is never on your timetable no matter how much we would like it to be! So why in the world do we...